Egg Salad Sandwich – delicious and easy to make for a healthy homemade snack or lunch
www.manfreedinthekitchen.com Manfreed’s delicious, healthy recipe for a homemade egg salad sandwich is simple, easy and quick to make. You kids and new cooks can make this quick, easy to make recipe. How to make an egg salad sandwich is easy to follow on Manfreed’s egg salad sandwich video. Your family, friends and relatives will ask for you to make this egg salad sandwich recipe for snacks, lunches and picnics. Enjoy more easy, simple to make, healthy homemade recipes www.manfreedinthekitchen.com
Question by : How many different lunch combinations are there to choose from?
Your favorite pizza parlor is offering a special lunch value meal. You can get a personal sized pizza with your choice of 2 of the 17 possible toppings, a salad with your choice of 4 dressings, and one soda selected from 6 options. How many different lunch combinations are there to choose from?
Best answer:
Answer by spathok
First, possible pizzas is 17*16.
then salad is x4
Soda is x6
So 17x16x4x6 is your answer
Add your own answer in the comments!
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I hate combinations and permutations. but dude above gots it